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Lincoln Road’s $67M makeover takes big steps with new accord between owners and city

MIAMI HERALD — JULY 31,  2019 — BY JOEY FLECHAS Lincoln Road property owners have agreed to tax themselves at a higher rate to pay for part of an ambitious plan to revamp the look and feel of South Beach’s outdoor mall, part of a deal with the city that aims to jump-start the first large-scale makeover of the walkway in more than 20 years.

After many months of discussion between owners and Miami Beach administrators over how to divvy up the costs of the improvements, commissioners heard the details of the compromise Wednesday. The city, which has already funded pre-construction design costs out of an estimated $67 million total, would foot the whole construction bill while the property owners in the Lincoln Road business improvement district would tax themselves an additional 25 percent to pay for promoting activities on the road.

In short, the city would deliver a shiny new Lincoln Road, and the property owners would pay to put people and cultural activities on it.

Commissioners unanimously voted to solicit bids for the construction project, which will allow the city to put together a guaranteed maximum price. Dollars for the construction will come from a combination of city and county taxes, bond money and other funds earmarked for infrastructure. The final price will require another commission approval. The bidding will take a few months.